Start with the basics
While every project is unique and having different exact requirements, all projects share common systems and require the same attention to detail to ensure best practices. Taking the time to coordinate your marketing efforts will not only save you time and money but also deliver better results.

A Statement of Intent is generated from initial scoping and brainstorming. Deciding what not to do is as important as deciding what to do and from this session there should be a good understanding of goals, measurements and the next steps.

A Specification is drawn up, detailing work that is to be undertaken, roles, timelines, budget etc.

The generation of prototypes, content, systems and, ultimately, the web site / application / promotion is created.

The project is tested and hosted online, all user training is completed and then made live. After a period of time measure the results and compare to your goals. Correct / Refine, rinse and repeat ...
Free website review
We offer a no obligation, free review of your website from a search engine perspective.